XTable as a game board for Naturgy in the event Imperdibles Cotec

The Jocs al Segon agency is specialized in developing gamified proposals for education, communication and business. A game was the idea of the Naturgy Foundation for its participation in #Imperdible_03, an innovation event organized in Madrid by the Cotec Foundation and dedicated to cities. Both got in touch with DigaliX to collaborate in the software development part and the production of 3 XTable, making the result digital and interactive.

Cleanairs is a game in which several participants divided into 4 teams play collaborative decisions about their city from four hypothetical councils: energy, urban planning, mobility, cleaning and waste management. And like in any board game, there are also chips! Reactive pieces were designed, parameterized to be detected by the screen and, when used, activate certain actions.

When players begin to make decisions, they immediately see the effects of their procedure, sometimes positive and others negative, on the air quality of their city. The proposals are projected in real time on a screen, in order to make that the public that does not participate can also follow the options and their consequences.

In the Cultural Center of the Villa Fernán Gómez, the 3 XTable tables were installed as a game board during the two days that were held #Imperdible_03.

Naturgy will use Cleanairs in different events, mainly addressed to the youngest. The playful and interactive nature of the game helps them to reflect on how a problem as important as pollution affects health and the environment.

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