Our interactive photocall now also online with custom AR filters

Augmented Reality has become an accessible technology thanks to AR filters. The possibility of creating custom designs is a trend that has become popular among big brands and celebrities. At DigaliX we offer you AR filter creation and programming services for online marketing campaigns.

Try our AR Holographic Interface filter and, if you want, we can help you design yours: www.instagram.com/ar/326875438594801/

For brands that want to keep in touch with their community through attractive actions and without the need for physical presence, it is possible to carry out marketing campaigns that convert our interactive online photocall through personalized Augmented Reality filters.

Social networks can be the meeting point for the brand’s followers to create small video clips with images designed for the occasion, with exclusive access, but without physical limitations when it comes to expand the campaign. Tik Tok, Facebook and Instagram are the ideal platforms with the possibility of viralization.

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