We collaborate with Tknika, innovation and development center for professional training in Euskadi

Education faces new challenges when it comes to rethinking its education systems due to the quick evolution of new technologies. And it is clear that professional training, so close to the world of work, needs to adapt at the same speed to meet market demands.

Tknika is an applied research and innovation center promoted by the Vice-Ministry of Professional Training of the Department of Education of the Basque Government, which works with the aim of placing Euskadi’s professional training at the forefront of Europe.

We have had the opportunity to travel to San Sebastian for a first collaboration with Tknika and to study the possibilities that our interactive technology solutions can have in the dynamics of some of their areas of work. In addition to the innovation projects they develop, they make available to the centers all kinds of resources, including a loan service for equipment and facilities, such as a rapid prototyping printer for three-dimensional designs, a welding robot or an augmented reality simulator.

On a visit to the center of the lehendakari Íñigo Urkullu, they showed him the operation of the different devices, including our XTable interactive table. These are tools that, among other things, facilitate learning and student motivation.

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