Professional large format
laser projection
The technical assembly of the SIMMERSIVE® Interactive Immersive Room is based on a perimeter structure with professional ultra-short distance projectors that provide image quality and prevent shadows from being generated in the projection.
Interactive walls with
IR laser technology
Technology that improves the user experience with gestural interaction without the need to touch. You can open, display, zoom in, zoom out and scroll documents and media with the movement of your hands.
Digital twins
for industry 4.0
SIMMERSIVE® is an ideal immersive space to interact on digital twins both for the simulation, review and correction of actions in a virtual way, as well as for the prototyping and evaluation of development cycles.
Ultra-short distance, no shadows

Gesture interaction

Environment for digital twins

XTable multitouch interactive table
Artboards to edit, share and send files and audiovisual elements to other tables in the room, to interactive walls or to other connected spaces.

Experience, learn, share
Immersive room concept created by DigaliX for the virtual recreation of spaces and work processes. It enhances the interaction applicable to training and the digitization of processes for Industry 4.0.

A shared and sustainable virtual experience
SIMMERSIVE® overcomes the barriers of conventional virtual reality through a shared experience and interconnection with other spaces.

More than a video conference
The SIMMERSIVE® rooms can become the stage for academic and corporate events in streaming. Save time and travel with a feeling of presence.

Innovative classrooms with SIMMERSIVE®
Through immersive technology, we accelerate the digitization of Vocational Training centers. Innovative, flexible, and interconnected classrooms for collaborative learning and personalized training.