Made in Barcelona
DigaliX, located in Barcelona specialized in interactive solutions and multitouch large format devices.

Your Projects
Our Commitment
Imagine whaevert you want: we will develop it to make your interactive projects a reality.

Interactive multitouch table, to share
Change the way we interact with devices and create new ones, as our flagship product: XTable Multitouch.

Would you like a custom interactive solution but you don’t know how to do it? DigaliX
Innovative interactive solutions
We offer innovative solutions based on interactive technologies, multimedia resources and custom development. With our experience and knowledge will be able to provide you the most ambitious projects. Just provide us your ideas and imagination, and we’ll make your dream a reality.
Technology to improve user’s experience
We believe that technology has to adapt itself to the people rather than people to technology. Augmented Reality applications, interactive Holograms, transparent LCD screens, Videomapping, to get Internet of the “things” closer to the user.
A multitouch table for everybody
An INTERACTIVE TABLE that provides a multiuser applications execution: it represents our best effort for devices development in cooperative multiuser environments. With XTable working, learning and having fun all together will be much easier.

In DigaliX we have the vocation to innovate on big format interaction: from our labs in Barcelona we use our innovative technology and unique design to propose new user’s experiences.
We believe in working as a team with our own customers to develop the best solution for their needs.
Working closer with our strategic partners allows us to develop new interactive solutions in different areas (Education, eHealth, Hospitality, interactive Events, etc.).
We have experience in eligible projects proposed by official organisms that manage investigation and development financing (CDTi, ACCIÓ, H2020).
Innovation related Projects
• Multitactile surfaces for interaction systems.
• Design and industrial manufacturing of multitouch interactive tables.
• Study of new materials.
Interactive Education
• Scientific education promotion for young European students, in collaboration with EVERIS. Program H2020-CSA (European Commission).
• INTERACTIVE TABLE for elders in the context “aging and being active”. Program Innoempresa ACC10 (Generalitat de Catalunya).
• Clinical Environments solutions. Audio-visual work rooms, remote connection and reference centers sharing.
• Development of a holographic Assistant for hotels and tourist information points.


At the beginning it was the mobile and then tablets came. At DigaliX we believe that the logical evolution consists in multi touch tables: the best Technological Innovation on your table.